Well, the colors on a regular emulator worked, but not on a device, and believe it or not I didn't have a device to test on till today. It was a problem with the open-gl textures. I did fix it, and then had a chance to try the app on the device. It seems that even after all the programming to make '45 degree angle' mode work, that the other mode, (we'll call regular mode) works better. 45 degree angle mode uses triangles on the screen that you're supposed to be able to touch to make the app recognize which face of the cube you want to turn next. Well, that works well on the emulator where your pointer is the mouse, but on the device, where your finger is sometimes bigger than the triangle itself, it doesn't always work.
Oh well. If I work on another version of the app to replace this one I may readdress this problem. For now '45 degree angle' mode is a novelty and a nice addition, but not essential.
The program version number that this post refers to is .
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